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About Mountain Aerials, LLC

Thanks for visiting! Learn more about our aerial drone photography company.

Dave and Kristy Winnett

Dave & Kristy Winnett,
Owners of Mountain Aerials, LLC

Mountain Aerials, LLC was envisioned by Dave Winnett when he discovered his love for flying drones. Dave's background is in IT world, so drones fit in perfectly. Photography has also been an enjoyable hobby for Dave and his wife Kristy. Luckily, they live in Greeley, Colorado and have some of the best scenery in the world. Drone photography is a passion for both Dave and Kristy. They want to bring stunning aerial images to businesses in Colorado and throughout the United States.

The drone industry is growing at a quick pace. New drone technology is coming out everyday. Our pilots make it a goal to keep up to date on current drone technology and information relating to FAA rules and regulations. Before going to a potential job site or property our pilots research the location to ensure they are flying in "a safe fly zone." They understand the responsibility of flying a drone in airspace that is shared with helicopters and fixed wing aircrafts. Our pilots take pride in being safe and informed during all drone flights.

Our drone operators are licensed FAA Certified Remote Pilot. They have lots of experience flying a drone in different weather conditions, including cold, wind, overcast, and into the sun. They know how to get the best looking shots in different types of lighting and conditions. Recently, one of our pilots used a drone to untangle antenna guy wires from a radio antenna mounted on top of a two story home. The pilot used his skills by tying the guy wire to the drone, then carefully flying the drone around the antenna while untangling the guy wire and bringing back to the ground to be repaired. It was one of the most challenging jobs the pilot has had so far in his career. However, this experience proves drones can be used for an unlimited number of applications. Drones are especially useful for inspecting and troubleshooting obstacles in hard to reach, high places.

Mountain Aerials, LLC is excited to serve Colorado and the entire United States with our drone photography services. If you have any questions or special job request that needs quick attention, please Email Us or give us a call at (970) 308 - 0014 to discuss your aerial photography needs.

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Mountain AerialsLLC

5206 W. 27th Street
Greeley, CO 80634

(970) 308 - 0014

© 2025 Mountain AerialsLLC
All Trademarks Property of
Mountain AerialsLLC All Rights Reserved